Tweeter: jonizzle


Wednesday, July 10, 2002 by Jon

yes. i just spent $50.00 on picture frames. and then $30.00 on a baseball glove. and when i was thinking to myself about how much i just spent (i mean come on, FIFTY dollars on picture frames?!) and how i felt kinda bad about it...i thought about how lucky i am. vlad guerrero of the montreal expos played baseball with a milk carton as his glove when he was little. i dont even know how that would work. but i just went out and spent 30 dollars on a nice glove. thinking about how much i spent today for just 3 picture frames made me think of this lil sad thing that happened last week.

i was going to the gas station to buy some ice for manny to put in our cooler at the park. when i walked into the store there was a lady at the register in front of me who was holding her baby in one hand and with the other hand she was digging for change in her purse, and i think it was taking her some time to scrounge it all out. all this was for a pack of cigarettes. disregard the fact that cigarettes are bad for you and to smoke around a baby is evil, but cigarettes cant cost that much right? well the lady finally got all her money and bought them. then i went up and paid 6 dollars for ice. SIX dollars for frozen water, probably the same amount that the lady paid for her cigarettes. i spent it without thinking about it. i went outside to get my ice from the gas stations outside freezer and i saw the lady putting her baby in its seat and crying hard. i felt sorry for her cuz then i figured then that she probably used all of her money, and by money i mean old nickels dimes and pennies, to buy one small thing. and im just walking around buying frozen water and putting it in my 3 year old car. makes you think.

in other news, courtney adair is leaving for new zealand on friday. she fonna be there for a semester. thats crazy man. courtney doesnt have living arrangments set up either yet, shes just gonna arrive and find an appartment...yea....hehe. courtney is smart though, she'll be fine.

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