Tweeter: jonizzle


Wednesday, June 09, 2004 by Jon

I went to Shihlin night market tonight with Ming, Cassia, and Jack. While we were sitting around eating some shaved ice, Cassia and I started talking about her one year at TAF, in 1998. I was in Youth that year with her, yet I didn't remember her at all. BUT, she told me about how she remembers only a few people, like Timmy Huang, because he was the one who busted her and three other girls for breaking curfew.

Their punishment was the spanking machine. And I distinctly remember being in a big circle with everying in Yuoth, with the four girls crawling between everyone's legs and being spanked as they walked through. Haha yea, so we realized, that I've spanked Cassia before. (sounds dirty doesn't it? yet it was TAF approved)

And now we hang out in Taiwan together six years later. Whatta camp.

Bought a bunch of things at a 10NT store tonight. Thats right, .30 cent store!

OH AND. I got soccer jerseys today! Good ones too! I'm super-duper excited. I could have gotten hit by a car today, but it would still have been a good day because of the deal I got on the jerseys. And they're real!

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