Tweeter: jonizzle


Saturday, June 05, 2004 by Jon

hehehe. clubbin in taipei. awww yea.

me, ming, cassia, linda, and jack went to Luxy, which by US standards is a REALLY nice club...and it was pretty cheap for me considering, about $1 2US since i got in after 10pm, but everyone else got in before 10 so it was free for them. So why was I after 10? well...

i forgot my ID. i remember before i left for dinner, that i left my wallet at home since i wouldnt want it at the club. little did i think to take out my ID. So i go to the club anyways and ask the bouncer if i can get in without an ID, hoping he doesnt care since i have a heavy american accent and well, i think i look over 18. but he didnt care. i was hoping for some taiwan ghettoness to get me in :(

so i called up cassia and we talked about our options for awhile, and getting me either ming or jacks id was the fastest option. now getting the id to me was a challenge in itself, let alone getting in with someone elses id, because jack said the bouncers there check IDs hard. cassia and linda were able to get a stranger to hand me the id's, wrapped in money to conceal them, at the entrace, because if they left they couldnt get back in.

so i had jacks taiwanese citizen id and mings drivers license. i went to the end of the line and compared them. i mean, people do say i look like ming, so that would make more sense. i studied up on his birthday and address etc in case they asked me at the door. but after i talked to cassia on the phone again, we decided that i should go with jacks, cuz i mean, i doubt the club gets a lot of Illinois licenses, so they might notice it more...

So i give the bouncer jacks id, and he takes his time looking at it and at me, back and forth. I really dont want to make eye contact with him, so i whipped out my phone and started to pretend to be talking to someone, hehehe. and i said "yea my uncle came and dropped it off" so the other bouncer who i asked if i could get in without and id wouldnt wonder how i had gotten it so quickly. yes i am smooth. but also lucky. while the bouncer was looking at the id, he stared at it for awhile and then he asked me in mandarin when or where my birthdate was. i froze. haha. i memorized mings bday, but his and jacks are really close, and i forgot which was august 6th or 8th. BUT THANK GOD. before i could say anything, or have a heart attack, the bouncer said "oh, here it is", and let me in.

WHEW. it was straight out of a movie.

mad props to cassia and linda for getting me in. and jack for having a taiwanese id with a photo from the side so it looks a little bit more believable that its me.

and in the club, some taiwanese people dance funny.

linda leaves on monday, sad. but anna and albert are here now, hurrah!

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