Tweeter: jonizzle


Friday, June 14, 2002 by Jon

Friendly Skies My Ass

So yea, my mom sister and i head out to the airport at 9 to go to cali, but good ole American Airlines doesnt have our electronic tickets and apparently my sister and i havent even been registered for out flights, this all told to us by a pretty unhelpful lady who looks like she smoked too much crack in her younger days. So whatever has happened to our tickets? oh yea, AA is retarded and sent them to Springfield, MISSOURI. it took my mom about an hour on her cell phone just to find that out and now we have to wait till 530 to leave here, even though there are 3 flights out before that...the planes arent full, its just that aa is retarded and doesnt know how to run things. so yea we are back home now waiting and my mom is on the phone bitching aa out, they damn better bump us up to first class for this...

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