Tweeter: jonizzle


Friday, August 23, 2002 by Jon

Slideshow Depravation

aww man. :( . i look through all my taf pics from this year at night and there were SO MANY good pictures we didnt use. it makes me sad and now i want to do slideshow again. but i cant :( . or at least i shouldnt...its time for a change and kevan will take over it. but aww man. i wanna do slideshow :***( . this years was great, and i mean REALLY great. but STILL there were somethings that didnt go right, big and small. so i dunno. i wanna fix it, end with the perfect slideshow you know? but i said this before taf this year too. aww man. i gotta look for more at taf though, gotta make a bigger impact and search for ways to make TAF better on a larger scale and let the younger kids learn what the slideshow is. sigh. poop. asd;lsadlkasd. i wanna do slideshow again.....

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