Tweeter: jonizzle


Sunday, October 30, 2005 by Jon

I got tagged. Twice. By different people. For different things. Oooooook.

* I was 12, and the same age as most of my JH campers. I think I was relatively shy towards the staffers, but not quiet with my peers. Yea, I was basically Jason Lai/Justin Wang/Joshua Lin. Hah.

* I was 17, and a high school senior, and I lived it up with school organizations and activities. I was super-outgoing then too, being friends with everyone, being Mr. High School. I wonder if that was the best or not.

* I was pretty much doing the same thing I'm doing now...nothing much, other than being a year older (wiser?) and a bit more reflective.

* I woke up at 2:00, went to a TASC event with a huge amount of free leftover food, I played football with a lot of friends there, caught the end of CFC Praise Night, and mentally came up with swing choir moves for JH 2006. I then came back to the apartment and played games. The entire day was virtually spent with Albert, Jessica, Eric, Ming, Angie, with a little bit of Alex and Karla.

* Lime Tostitos
* Fiery Hot Lime Cheetos. Only found in California. Which means...GRACE CAN YOU FIND THESE FOR ME AND BRING A LOT WHEN YOU COME IN NOVEMBER!?!?
* Cheez-Its...regular or Cheddar Jack.
* Cheesecake
* deerr...I think I just like junky I'll say raw vegetables like cauliflower, carrots, celery my favorite snacks.

Actual food on the other hand would be totally different than this list.

* Dasani water
* Fruit Punch Powerade
* Orange juice with lots of pulp
* Hot spiced apple cider when outside on chilly autumn evenings
* Arizona Iced Tea

5 songs I REALLY know:
* Dave Matthews Band - The Best Of What's Around
* Something Corporate - Konstantine
* Alphaville - Forever Young
* Jason Mraz - 0% Interest (the not Live at Java Joe's version)
* Jars of Clay - Worlds Apart (live). I was hesitant to put this one, because I think I could know more about it.

5 things I would do with a million dollars:
* Tithe 10% to a variety of different churches/charities.
* Donate to TAF.
* Travel the world with a few close friends.
* Buy a house somewhere...the Meditteranean? SoCal? NorCal? Springfield? St. Louis? Wrigleyville?
* Buy and Escalade and pimp my ride.

5 things i would never wear:
* A pro-China shirt.
* Flourescent little tank tops from the 80's.
* Uh...dirty crusty socks?
* Another human's skin?
* ...out my welcome, I hope?

5 favorite tv shows:
* Friends
* Sportscenter
* The Wonder Years
* Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place
* Saved by the Bell

5 bad habits:
* staying up later than Erin and Grace
* waking up later than Erin and Grace
* procrastination...well actually, I've gotten good at it. So I'll say worrying too much about other people.
* overanalyzing. same thing as worrying?
* eating when i'm bored more and more often than Erin and Grace

5 biggest joys:
* The first day of TAF when all the campers arrive and the buses are pulling up. For me, I can literally feel the excitement and anticipation and laughter and smiles in the air.
* Reading a book or watching a movie and being like, "Holy geez!" and sharing a moment of insight or enlightenment with the author.
* Music.
* Big big hugs. Not because you want to make a show of it or to hug just to hug, but to actually pull that person as close to you as possible because they are closer to your heart and mean more than they get credit for, and to somehow let them know that by sqeezing them as tight as you can. And to have them do the same thing back.
* Love. Their would be no reason for other joys if there wasn't love, right?

5 favorite toys:
* iPod. iPod iPod iPod iPod iPod iPod EYE-POD.
* a football or two baseball gloves and a baseball. Throwing a baseball or a football is how a lot of men bond.
* my now rarely used digital camera.
* my laptop with the internet.
* Legos will always be the proverbial "shit".

5 fictional characters I would date:
* I hope this doesn't sound weird or anything, but Summer from the OC. Calm down Karen. Her sassiness attracts me.
* Helen of Troy. I mean...she had to be pretty hot right?
* The girl from Center Stage?
* Uhh...I'm having a hard time seperating the real people from the fictional characters they I'll stop.

onto the next one...

I think it's supposed to be 5 random facts?

1) I've been getting a rash on my back in the same spot for the last 3 years during the fall. I realized last year that it had something to do with wearing Under Armor during flag football games. Either I'm allergic to Under Armor or I just need to wash it more often.
2) When my family moved to a new neighboorhood on the other side of town after 3rd grade, my grandma and grandpa came to visit in the summer. I didn't go out and make new friends in the hood, so I stayed home all day, and my grandma cooked for me all day. I then gained a lot of weight, and was no longer the 3rd fastest kid at Butler Elementary :(
3) I have been a Chicago Cubs fan since I was 6 years old. It is the one thing I can identify with the longest, longer than being a Taiwanese American, an Asian American, a Christian, etc etc.
4) I can never spell, or at least I don't think, I ever spell "neccessary" or "neccessarily" correct.
5) Lastly, and I'm sure most people are the same, but I like to look back on the very first times I see people. Not neccesarily (this is how I came up with #4) meet, but see. A few:

*Justin - in the Helman Great room sitting at a round table of four in 2002. I didn't talk to him until later though.
*Traci - At an SHS football game, walking up to the bleachers.
*Erin - At shaved ice last year. Wearing one of those white skirts and an light orange top (is it weird that I rememebr that?) and thinking she looked really young.
*Grace - At ABEL Thanksgiving Dinner, walking up to share on the microphone...and then crying. Oh you wiley Grizzle.
*Angie - At TAF in 2001, for a second, when she was in JH, and Jeff talking about this "really tall girl in JH" who he saw earlier and had just walked in.
*JW - not the first time I saw him, but the first time really "befriending" him. First day of 5th grade. New school. First time on a school bus. Last stop. No empty seats near the front. Walking back. A recognized face that recognized me back. And a little 11 year old kid offering his empty seat to the nervous new kid with glasses. I owe JW a lot.

And I'm spent.

If you read've been tagged.

Ok, Howa says its 5 weird habits, not facts. Um...

1) When I hear songs, I am likely to imagine how well they could be used as TAF slideshow songs.
2) I'll sometimes memorize a 7-letter word when I see it while reading to use it later in Scrabble
3) When I'm driving with my hand hanging out the window feeling the breeze, I tap my fingers in the air to the syllables of the lyrics...NOT the beat of the song.
4) I like to drink a lot of water before going to bed so I have to pee in the morning. It helps me wake up.
5) I do my best thinking at night laying in bed before I go to sleep. I think it ensures me that I was productive with my day or something, either thinking about an event I have to plan or being reflective. It works. But it also keeps me awake at night...

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