Tweeter: jonizzle


Wednesday, May 25, 2005 by Jon

Another night turns into another unable-to-sleep night for me. So I facebook.

- There are no other Erika Mahon's listed, but there is an Erica Mahon (Syracuse) and an Erica Mahoney (Portland).
- One other Brian Royer (IU), and one other Steve Ettinger (BU).
- No surprise, there are 144 Jon Lee's, of Asian, African, and Caucasian descent. And this includes NJ Jon Lee. About 140 John Lee's. Might I have the most common male name?
- One other Justin Chiu. No other Erin Chious. 9 Jeff Chengs.
- 33 Britney Spears. Non of them not the famous one.
- 161 Sarah Johnsons. And only 17 Grace Park's?
- Ok no, about twenty or so more Michael Smiths' than Jon Lees'.

Yea. I cant sleep. Someone help me sleep. You see what I'm forced to do to pass the time?!?!?!

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