Tweeter: jonizzle


Saturday, April 30, 2005 by Jon

Well this has been a rollercoaster day. I woke up not good because I missed my class, which I actually wanted to go to. I missed it since I stayed up studying for a test. So I was in a sad mood. But then I took the test, and I pretty much feel like I aced it, so then I was feeling good.

Then tonight, I started to play online blackjack. I won a lot at first, which was awesome. And then I lost it all. Which sucked. And it was...a large amount. So it REALLY is not cool. I actually wanted to throw up.

Then off to Tyler's, where we, Brian, and Steve played fifa. Fifa was good, but it was great when Tyler and I beat the dynasty of Brian and Steve. Glorious and amazing and awesome.

And then I came home. And blackjack was there. And I played. And I won. And then I lost it all. Again. It is sick and disgusting and weak and evil and greedy.

Never play online blackjack, you may have a system (yes, I had a system) that looks good and works, but it will come and bite you in the ass.

I am ashamed at how much I just threw away. And again, I want to throw up.

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