Tweeter: jonizzle


Monday, April 25, 2005 by Jon

Ok, so I am rich. Being honest and brunt, I am a rich kid. Two monitors and a laptop. A digital camera and an iPod. Trips to Taiwan every year. And the ability to eat out once a day. Yea. Rich kid.

I am also a lucky kid. I dont have to worry about financial issues very often, and if I do, it's because I was stupid and bought too much clothes or dvds. But my point:

I dont have to worry.

The less rich. Basically, the poorer (even though the "poorer", middle middle class, is quite rich in America in comparison to other places). They have to worry. They have to graduate college in four years, because a fifth year is an expensive thing. Or they have to fill out FAFSA forms. They cannot go to Taiwan every year. They usually have only one of the aformetioned electronic goodies. I am such a bitch.

So where is the silver lining in this. I could mess up, and be safe (financially), because my dad is paid much and works hard and earns it. Luckily, my dad doesnt spend money on much. He spends a lot of it on me (but I would like to point out that I really never decievingly ask my dad for ridiculous amounts of money and that I actually won most of the money for my iPod and monitor via online poker, and that seed money came from Brian...but partly my dad too).

But back to my point. I have no worries. I am carefree. And. Someone has to take care of people in this world, someone has to do volunteer work, someone has to give to charity. It should be me, right?

Less rich people do it. Which makes them even more amazing. Less rich (or basically poorer) people have their own worries and stresses. I do not. I do not. So it only makes sense that I be someone who worries and helps the people that are at the bottom. And not bankrupt Enron execs. But people who starve. For food and attention. I am so rich. I can give so much. It should be my burden. But I am afraid, unfortunatly, that I'm quite selfish.

I am all talk. And no walk. Credit should be given where credit is due. I dont deserve credit yet. And dont give me credit for realizing this, because either way, someone, be it the homeless guy who roams the UI campus asking for change, or a child in Africa, is still with an empty stomach.

I dont know the point in posting this. But it is what I'm thinking about. I wish thoughts could become actions. I pray someday it will. But remember. No credit until I've earned it.

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