The ITASA Leadership retreat this weekend up in Chicago was an enjoyable time with my Taiwanese and (3) Korean people.
Tina, Justin, and Grace ay Joy-Yee's. Grand bubble tea.
One massive Pho bowl. Tina and Dave representin' the year of the Rat.
The glow of Chinatown at night.
The glow of the whole city at night. You can't really tell, but its Justin, Roger, Dave, Grace, & Tina.
Fun at Millenium Park. Lee is like an angel.
Nancy giving a rousing motivational speech the next day. EHHHMIIEEEEE.
Bryan, Kelly, and I must say, I've never been more attracted to Jessica EVER.
Jeanette, Erin, Jessica.
What? Karen Chien? What da heck is she doing here...
Missing: Carolyn, Justin Chang, Elliot, Eugene, probably some more.
But here is the picture of the day. Presenting your 2004 University of Illinois Intramural Flag Football Champions, the TAMPAX Run Stoppers!
Undefeated baby.
So yea, Chicago. The last time I was there for a weekend was more than a year ago. And it was a devilishly great time, but alas, it was brief. Maybe I'll look back on this weekend similarly, but let's hope the post-trip turns out differently.
Oooh, I'm ambiguous :)
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