A great road trip it was. Pictures will be up. I loved spending all those days in Connecticut with dear friends. But I do miss home. I miss Adrienne and Traci :( And I miss others that knew me when I was growing up. Apparently we are grown up now too. I hear everyone and their mother was out and about Wednesday night in downtown Springfield. Imagine that. I even daresay I miss my mom a little. I have no idea how to deal with that.
Random note though, we could all grow up a little. All of us.
Arrived back in Urbana-Champaign today after a 15 hour trek from CT with Roger. I did double-digit driving time duty. Ten hours baby. Only one near death experience, and no speeding tickets.
I was lucky enough to catch Home Alone on tv today. It got me all up in the Christmas season spirit. I need recommendations for the Christmas CD I'm making.
'Tis the season!
Live from Connecticut, have a very merry Thanksgiving!
I bought and watched Elf tonight. I think I just might love this movie. It's the closest I've come to crying (because the ending is so happily cheesy) in a movie since the one time I did (the movie was Newsies and I was five, calm it down).
Regardless of the Christmas cheer, it's a smart story that builds on itself and I have a huge crush on the girl Jovy. But, there's also that whole Christmas shouldn't be about presents and Santa thing. I still heart the movie though.
tafCrush East Coast Road Trip 2004 on Friday. I think I'm sick. My hands and feet have been getting sharp pains (due to bad circulation?) for the past three days and I feel fatigued a lot. That can't be good.
A new 100% cotton tafCrush baseball tee should be on your Christmas wishlist, I know it's on mine! Love is on my wishlist too. Yup, I'm a cheezeball.
The ITASA Leadership retreat this weekend up in Chicago was an enjoyable time with my Taiwanese and (3) Korean people.
Tina, Justin, and Grace ay Joy-Yee's. Grand bubble tea.
One massive Pho bowl. Tina and Dave representin' the year of the Rat.
The glow of Chinatown at night.
The glow of the whole city at night. You can't really tell, but its Justin, Roger, Dave, Grace, & Tina.
Fun at Millenium Park. Lee is like an angel.
Nancy giving a rousing motivational speech the next day. EHHHMIIEEEEE.
Bryan, Kelly, and I must say, I've never been more attracted to Jessica EVER.
Jeanette, Erin, Jessica.
What? Karen Chien? What da heck is she doing here...
Missing: Carolyn, Justin Chang, Elliot, Eugene, probably some more.
But here is the picture of the day. Presenting your 2004 University of Illinois Intramural Flag Football Champions, the TAMPAX Run Stoppers!
Undefeated baby.
So yea, Chicago. The last time I was there for a weekend was more than a year ago. And it was a devilishly great time, but alas, it was brief. Maybe I'll look back on this weekend similarly, but let's hope the post-trip turns out differently.
Oooh, I'm ambiguous :)
The Tampax Runstoppers: 16
No Smegma: 0
That's right, a SHUTOUT in the U of I Co-Rec Championship Game. Woooooo!!! 2004 Intramural Champions baby! The losers talked trash too. But hey, I'll be honest, we talk more, but more cleverly. Oh and we back it up too, puaha.
Yay, I get a championship shirt! Pictures up later.
And foreal, SO cold tonight.
Here's the design:
Don't forget the orange long sleeves. If you are now enticed, read the info in the earlier post.
Championship game in 4 hours.
Yea! The Tampax Run Stoppers heading into the University of Illinois CHAMPIONSHIP GAME tomorrow night.
Oh boy oh boy oh BOY.
Well this is just too darn rootin' tootin' cute.
I mean seriously. Two Guys a Girl and a Pizza Place MIGHT be better than Friends and the OC combined. Well maybe not, but it's darn good.
I wonder...I wonder if there is always at least one person wearing a TAF shirt somewhere around the world...
Aren't I deep?
Oh yea, new tafCrush shirts are coming out.
Long sleeve baseball shirts, white body, Illini Orange sleeves. 3/4 length.
Sizes Youth XL to Adult XL.
Cost = $10
Email orders to jonizzle@gmail.com with name, size, amount, and shipping address. Throw in an extra dollar or 2 if you want it mailed to you, or just wait until I visit your area. But I've cut down on roadtripping, so that might take a long time. You can also just leave a comment, but please email me your shipping info if you dont want to post your address online.
"tafCrush" in the cursive baseball font, like this years staff shirt.
"Made in Taiwan, Bottled at Illinois", or something to that effect, underneath. Or "Available only at Illinois, with Natural Taiwanese flava." I like that one too. Or maybe a combination: "Bottled at Illinois, with Natural Taiwanese Flava." Yea, I like that.
I'll have a picture up of it next week. BUT I NEED THE ORDERS ASAP! This weekend preferably. And tell all your friends who dont read my blog/xanga.
yay taf :)
My address to mail check or money to is:
701 S Gregory #212
Urbana, IL 61801
Beh neh neh neh neh, beh neh neh neh neh...
whee. the oc is back!
My mom got a new cat today. She called me and asked me what to name it. After a few other random suggestions like "Jonizzle" (she can't pronounce it), I suggested "Cat". Then she said, "Do you have a brain???"
Yea, that's my mom. Oh, she called me earlier today to rub in Bush's victory too.
Who's excited for four more years of the majority of the rest of the world to hate America and Christianity! YEA YEA YEA!
Wait...I'm not. Sigh. Well let's hope this is for the best.
And apparently...I'm "anti-life" since I voted for Kerry. Ok people, ok...
Hmm. It's weird knowing that the path that the world goes on for the next four years will be decided in one day by us. It's either going to stay the same or change, but either way, there a lot on the line, and it'll all be different.
Cuz it's all in my head, I think about it over and over again, I replay it over and over again, and I can't take it, I can't shake it.
Busy busy weekend.
Friday - TASC had a volunteering shindig in Urbana to play games with kids/give them lots of candy. The sponsors of the event encouraged us to dress up in our costumes. This was the debut of my awesome creation:
Yes. I was Foellinger Auditorium (the building on the right) for Halloween. Puahah.
People liked my costume. Some little kid kept punching me though, I was about to slap him (he was really getting on my nerves), but I...managed not to. A lot of kids were nice and cute though, whee. And then other people kept poking me through the doors of Foellinger that I had cut out of the box...
Saturday - the kids came. We took them to Evo for boba and ran into Michelle Ng visiting from Iowa.
Jess, Michelle, Me, Ryan, and Alice. My former campers from Hongee-Tao and B5 :)
All the tafers at Praise Night, too many to name.
Praise Night was good. I think I liked Spring 04's better, but it continues to impress me. I left everyone to go join my other friends and to form our Quad at Elizabeth's Halloween party.
Me, Steve (Gregory Hall), Brian (Lincoln Hall), and Eek (the Union). Look, no cup in my hands.
Tyler as a dragon. As we walked down the street, everyone laughed and liked our boxes. We were quite popular and funny.
No offense Bryan, but I told Alice I think her and Ryan would be really cute. haha, oh man. TOO cute.
Speaking of my cute daughter Alice, this...is a face she did multiple times this weekend.
Sunday - Breakfast at IHOP before they left. Look Alex, your girlfriend is glowing.
And tonight, Jess Sun was still here, so we went to Mandarin Wok. Today was the last day for the previous owners, they sold it to a new family since they're getting old. It is a very sad day, and it's a sign of how good your restaurant is if people are genuinely sad to see you leave. But I am happy for them. I'm sure they made an amazing amount of loot and can now rest. We'll miss you :(
Thanks to Jeremy, Alice, Eric, Tim, Ryan, Michael, Jess, Julie, and Michelle for coming in for the weekend. I slept till 430pm after they left, I went to dinner, went to a TASC meeting, and then came back and slept more. Therefore, I slept most of the day and I am not going to bed tonight.
And tonight, I was sad. I'm missing something.