Tweeter: jonizzle


Friday, March 11, 2005 by Jon

While I was in Europe over winter break, I was waiting for some food at a counter. I was talking to Jenny and Wil et all back at our table, and a guy sitting at the counter overheard me. He asked, "Where are you from?", and I said from America, but I assumed he wanted to know which Asian country my parents were from since that is what Europeans really want to know when they ask that question, so I also said Taiwan. The guy, who was a mid-20s skinny English guy, then said "oooh, I see, well I'm sorry for you." I asked him in a cautious tone why and he said, "I heard its really hard for minorities in America."

Two reactions. First, I felt like he was making fun of my home country of America. Second, because of that, I quicly responded "oh no no, it's not bad," although you know, it can be sometimes. So maybe I was lying.

But yea. I wonder what makes him, and other foreigners, think that America is a hard place for every minority. Is it? Maybe. But what makes it so noticeable to the outside world? And what is it that is so bad here in the US that it gets attention in non-American society (tv shows, newspapers, movies, music)?

A lot of questions now, not a lot of answers yet.

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