Tweeter: jonizzle


Friday, September 10, 2004 by Jon


I was in my Persuasive Writing for Advertising class yesterday, and the teacher handed out resumes for us to critique and to choose one that we thought was the best. So he hands everyone in the class a stack of resumes and splits us up into groups. I get my packet and I'm looking through the resumes. I put the top resume in the good pile because the guy did an internship in Taipei, and I thought that was cool...but little did I know that it would get much cooler and crazy. I skim the next one, and then I put it to the back of the pile and then at the top of the third resume is...

"William Chung"

I stop. I think. William Chung? If you can picture me expressing "...", then you have a good idea of what I looked like. And then a "hoooly shhhnikies" and I stare in wonderment. Hahaha. I look over the rest of the resume to make sure its Wil, and yea, the guy is from the Chicago area, is an engineer, and maker of a cartoon called "Nick the Duck" is listed. Hahaha. I was highly amused. Looking over Wil's credentials was fun. But then yes. I keep on going since I have a time limit to select my top resumes, and then I see...

"Christopher S. Lee" !!!

Not as surprising since I already saw Wil, and it makes sense that they'd have taken a class together, but yea. It was interesting to see what they put down to make them sound good. I asked Wil about it, and well, he makes things that he worked on sound really good, haha. The funniest part was hearing other people talk about Wil's resume though,

"What about this William (haha, "William") guy? He sounds good."
"Ooh, he's a cartoonist, that show's creativity!"

Puahaha. William. Sad for Chris though. No one mentioned his that I heard.

In other news, I've been eating a lot of carrots. A LOT. A parking lot sized a lot. And oddly enough, I got an article of clothing Monday that makes me look like a bunny too. I was wearing it today, and then took it off, and realized that I was wearing green (Taiwan staff shirt) on top and orange (Illinois shorts) on bottom. I went from looking like a bunny to looking like a carrot in seconds.

Who wants to go to Europe with me?!?!

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