Tweeter: jonizzle


Tuesday, September 07, 2004 by Jon

ah yes. it is different.

It's my first time changing the colors of my blog in all three years. Changes are occuring, yes they are, and not just with this.

I'm trying out vegetarianism for the week with B-Roy, kinda to see who can do it longer, but more importantly, we both are interested in it.
1) its healthier
2) i feel bad for the way animals are treated, and when I do go back to meat, i'm only going to purchase it from a local store that sells meat from animals that lived decently happy lives on pastures, rather than in crowded cages. Go margaret and angie.

There's more here, more there, and more everywhere. But for now, just that.

Yes. The background is black. My entries and the links are white. But nothing in this world is just black and white. It's all in shades of gray. You have to look deeper to know what's real (or take a step back too). That's why if you visit a link and see more, afterwards, it becomes gray :)

I didn't plan that really, but it works well.

And yes, even though it may not seem so lately, I sizzle in red because my heart is full of love, love, love. Because...

"His heart was full of love, love, love.
Love, love, love.
Love, love, love is all around"
- Dave Matthews Band

*link cleanup. If youre on the blogring, odds are youre off. no hate no hate. just love love love.

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