Tweeter: jonizzle


Sunday, September 21, 2003 by Jon

ouch. sad. tear.

from elliots xanga, i read that this girl he knows passed away today/last night. and there was the link to her xanga.

that gets to me, even though i never knew the girl at all. reading the thoughts and life of someone who has died, its a weird weird thing. she posted yesterday too. pictures of friends and family. its sad man. and then people comment on it telling her they will miss her and all of that. its like an eternal (as eternal as xanga will be) book of people wishing you goodbye and how they miss you and all that. i find that part cool. incredibly cool for some reason. but at the same time incredibly sad to see people say goodbye for real. forever.

i think this just makes online journals that much more personable? and connecting? or something. i wish everyone had a blogger/xanga. i wish everyone could share their lives (or to whatever extent we actually do share on these) with everyone. so then i could read up what long lost friends are up too and whats going on in everyone's mind, without actually having to have a conversation. i dont know if thats good to not have a conversation... but it makes it easier to just read blogs. it keeps me informed and most importantly, connected.

but of course. dont get too caught up in these blogs and these xangas. you gotta live to have interesting entries right? yea...cherish it.

and yea, the girl, whos name is Melissa, died because she didnt have her seatbelt on.

WEAR YOUR DAMN SEATBELT PEOPLE. especially some certain people from *coughSTLcough* *coughANGIEcoughcough* and *coughAJITcough*.

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