Tweeter: jonizzle


Thursday, November 22, 2001 by Jon

football, fantasy sports, clothing, shelter, food, friends, family, aol, a working mind, fingers that can type, a car, cheap gas, my faith, eyes, ears, nose and mouth, a chance to play in the international pool tournament, after thanksgiving day sales, orange juice with pulp, turkey, TAF, taiwan, itasa, friends all over, friends at home, blogger, material wealth, health, love, happiness, sudafed, socks, gloves, shoes, a hat, pictures, the ability to read and write, a school to go to, an undetermined future, a cat who craps on the carpet, carpet to walk on, religious freedom, Jesus, the Cubs, Sportscenter, espn, freedom, 2 working legs, 2 working arms, a toilet, a shower, a bed, a tv, a computer, pictures, money, open space, stars, curiosity, a mom who yells at me, a voice, music, stength, medicine, a suana, gravy, tp, ways of communication, laughter, memories, a life...heck yea...if you can read this...your life is probbaly great. we have so much more than so many other people in this world. Happy Thanksgiving. and oh yea...after thanksgiving day sales start in 10 and a half hours....

Filed under having