Tweeter: jonizzle


Thursday, April 20, 2006 by Jon

I am off to Michigan this weekend for the PD Retreat. Let us hope we get much accomplished! Actually in all seriousness, when I take a step back and realize how important this weekend could be (because every little thing counts), I am almost in awe of what could come out of it for this year's program, and the ones beyond.

With great power likes great responsibility. Like Spiderman!

So in analyzing When Harry Met Sally, I think I should limit being friends with the multitude amount of female friends that I have now. Sorry! But thats unfortunatly how it is. It would be cool to rebel against the system and be the nice friend that I have been, but this system has been in place for as long as men and women have co-existed. I'm pretty awesome, but not that awesome to challenge deep codes and rules on gender issues. Sorry ladies. No more new female friends! Less hanging out with old ones!

Okay okay maybe I'm kidding. Or maybe I'm not. TIME TO HANG OUT WITH THE BOYSSSSSSSSS.

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