Tweeter: jonizzle


Monday, December 12, 2005 by Jon

What is the difference between smart//intelligent//booksmart//streetsmart etc?

Who do you know that is smart? Who is intelligent? Is there a difference? Or as I might like to think, who is just less stupid than others? As human beings, are we all relatively stupid. We don't always know how to fix things, what to say in situations, what the answer is, etc. And there is so much that we don't know.

Also, take me as an example of this next point. I, and others I've spoken with, believe I am a relatively smart person. College student, good GPA, funny and witty, etc. But do I and others like myself, who dont exactly study much or try so hard in school, and in turn do not capitalize fully on our potential, does that make us stupid?

And on the flip side, are people who work so hard and so intently, and succeed, but lose social skills, are they...stupid?

Of course it all depends, on your perspectives, goals, etc. But there has to be one finite way to define "smart" and "intelligent" right? Maybe "being smart" is defined as capitalizing on fulfilling your life's purposes, or maybe just one purpose. But what does that mean? Do we as a human race need to understand what the "meaning of life" is in order to understand our purposes?

BUT what is the meaning of life? Christians would say to glorify God (which would definitly mean I'm stupid so far). Others might say making relationships with people. Others might say providing for your family and loved ones. Others might say power in the form of wealth or control.

But...those are all maybe's, one again proving that...we...don't...know.

So...people arent smart or intelligent. Don't sugarcoat it. Some people are just less stupid than others. That's probably the better way to say it.

...does this sound "wise"?

...or am I just a rambling peon.


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