Tweeter: jonizzle


Thursday, August 19, 2004 by Jon

So its the TAF post.

Well well. TAF 2004. In the twelve total years that I have attended TAF, I can honestly say that this was my personal best one. I don't know if I should call it "amazing" or use other choice words to describe it, even though it might have been. I think this year was my best because YOU all describe it as "amazing" and as "my best year". All of the hard work paid off. I feel a sense of accomplishment due to the campers' willingness to open up and let us impact them. Without the campers spirit (and energy), I would really be nothing. Thank YOU all, for everything you have done.

I'm not sure what else there is to say about this. I met a lot of new people, got closer to new people...but farther from old people too. Too bad the week isnt longer so I can play with friends in other programs eh?

What took me so long to get to this was because my job I guess, isnt really done. But it isnt done for you either. From Juniors to Youth, we all learned about our ethics and our values.

How will YOU apply it to your real world now?

That's the most important thing. Sometimes in all of our euphoria over TAF and "taflove", we forget (I forget to) that what we are taught at TAF is something to use for the rest of our lives, in our REAL lives. Not only in our TAF lives.

And there are still some TAFers, and definitly the majority of people who don't go to TAF, that don't what it's all about because no one has shared it with them, it being...

Openness, acceptance, unconditional love

It's been my challenge to myself for the past two years to spread them everywhere. I hope you challenge yourself to it also. You might succeed, you might fail, you might forget, but it is important that you try. And if you DO succeed, I assure you the rewards are great.


I think a lot of us forget it. It's like the middle child of the three, but its just as important as the others. There is simliarity with yourself in the quiet kid in the corner, in the gothic kid walking around, the country kid sitting next to you. We're all human. We all have something beautiful.

I'd also like to take this time to thank everyone again. My staff, Junior staff, Youth Staff, the Officers, and the Campers. Every single freaking one of you. From the youngest Junior (Nathan?) to co-JH PD Christine to President Huang and other board members who started making the impacts that you and I still feel today, thank you.

And yes, I reiterate, the TAF week may be over, but we're all still here for you. Most of you know you can contact me any time if you want to talk. Same for any of the other JH counselors, and for the other program's staffs as well. We're all here for you.

The little quote seems to have caught on, "It not just a foundation, it's a family."

Just remember everyone at TAF is part of the family ok?

And once again,

“We should all strive to be who we are at TAF back home, in our "real world". Be as happy, open, loving and caring as you are at TAF. Strive to be the forever TAFer, and if you do all of this, you accomplish the goals of TAF. All you need to do is love, and you'll impact mankind in a unique and compassionate way. Break down your walls, eliminate the barriers, just open up and it will come.”

Peace up, God bless, take care, I'll see y'all soon.


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