Tweeter: jonizzle


Monday, January 19, 2004 by Jon

so i got into the school of broadcast journalism here at U of I. thats a positive, i guess i kind of actually have some direction in what im going to do with my life. even though i might just open up a restaurant with brian for a bit after college. yea weve got some high quality ideas, let me tell you.


i dont know if i have anything else of importance to say. oh but if you are going to be attending ITASA East Coast 2004, talk to me. id like to talk to you. har har har.


oh, yes. i cant comment on xangas for some weird reason. my computer wont let me. if you happen to read this angie, you had a ridiculously big worded paragraph. i was dumbfounded by the sheer verbiage of the text AND context of what you were analyzing about the current state of suburbia and the relative mediocrity of repetition...? does that make sense...?


i want a prime rib in kc.

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