Tweeter: jonizzle


Monday, April 07, 2003 by Jon

yyyeeeesss. EVERYONE GO TO RALLY'S IF YOU HAVE ONE NEAR YOU AND GET 2 BACON CHEDDAR DOUBLE CHEESEBURGERS FOR $3 oh man, what a good deal. mmmmmmmmmm. im going back for more tomorrow.

in other news, margaret says shes going to TAC! and im going to TAC too! yaaay! and i hear others tafers might go! taf at tac! recruit kids for taf! make taf big and awesome! but remember, dont be cliqu-ey there!

and busy busy busy. so why am i blogging at 231am. idunno-and-iduncare.

oh yea just in case, i am going to state it right now. I WILL BE AT TAF2003. no ifs. i will be there. and you better be there too! so yea, give me confirmation. i'd like to read it with my own eyes. woot woot!


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