Tweeter: jonizzle


Wednesday, May 29, 2002 by Jon

crazy blogga wasnt working last night. so i went to see insomnia. i didnt really get what all the fuss was about, heh, i mean it wasnt a bad movie, but yea, critics are weird, but at least they bashed on Enough! cuz its true!! Insomnia made me want to fall asleep because of al pacinos eyes, which is funny since the name of the movie is Insomnia, hehe. i went to play with adrienne and her kitties before that, too bad im allergic to them a wee bit, yea dat sucks. and my throat hurts man, it needs to go away. yea ok so thats my summation blog about yesterday, excellent. i need to get down thinking about taf and preparing for it. go taf.

Filed under having