Tweeter: jonizzle


Thursday, October 09, 2003 by Jon

yay cubbies won big last night. w0000000t! i was talking to a girl sitting next to me in aas... she said she was from stl, but she was now rooting for the cubs. attagirl! way to come to the GOOD side! hahah yeas. she actually went to parkway central, alma mater to tiffany and current school of angie, steven, ryan, emmiline, and... yea many other kids.

*interesting fact*

there is an upcoming film called 21 Grams. apparently, 21 grams is the amount of weight that the body loses when you die. thats the fact. and so some think that it could be the soul leaving the body after death. iiiiinteresting.......

so your soul weighs 21 grams.

should be an interesting weekend. har har. the weather has been nice this week. and im surviving midterm time so far. oh and the Tampax Runstoppers are now ranked 7th overall in UIUC Coed Flag Football. haha yea...

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