Tweeter: jonizzle


Saturday, February 08, 2003 by Jon

well hello my faithful readers. today twas a good friday. in western civ we got our quizzes back. the class didnt do too hot...hehe, when i got my quiz back the teacher said "very good job"...yet i only got an 87....haha yea. that doesnt say too much though. and you know what makes A LOT of sense???? Napoleon was italian. not french. so yea thats why he was able to conquer big chunks of europe, because he wasnt really french. if he was, we all know he would have lost, cuz i mean, thats what the french do. poor frenchies. here are some of the stupidest groups of people in the worlds history: Puritans with their "witchhunts", McCarthiasts with there crazy commie crap, the KKK, maybe hitler...but he wasnt stupid stupid, just insane...but yea, and then finally like EVERYONE IN THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. i mean seriously...those people were F-ING STUPID. the things they did, the amount of ppl the killed, the insanely large amounts of stupidity, oy oy oy.

but i digress from my rant. took a brief respite today from about 4-6. cooked chicken on the george foreman for dinner. mmm....real meat....deliciousnesses. oh yea ajit and i went shopping, good sale at abercrombie. hahahaha, a few months ago they had this sweater for $119.99. and today when we was 15 dollars. ahahahaha. first of all its rediculous for abercrombie to have a sweater for that much, but I KNOW that some stupid rich kid bought it for the full price. ahahaha. and now its 15 dollars!!! i was going to buy it for the sole purpose of saving $105, but meh, it didnt fit well.

tonight was our 2nd indoor soccer game as well. we got raped again, but the team played much better as a whole. we had 2 own goals. but yea...AJIT SCORED A GOAL!!!! ahahahahaha. go ajit!!! wooooooooo!!! for people who dont know ajit, ajit is more than likely will miss the ball when its passed to him and he has to shoot quick, and of those times, he would probably miss and then fall over 80% of the time, so yea, tonights occurence of ajit scoring the ball on a quick pass had oh, about the same chance of myself turning into a women and having a secret love affair with janet reno. it just doesnt happen too often. its like haleys comet, it only happens every 76 years. GO AJIT!!!!

and hurrahnesses!!! tomorrow adrienne and jak jak are coming to visit!!!! YEEEEEEESSSSSSS! EXCITEMENT!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!! :) :) :)

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